As of Version 2.5, the JavX thin-client architecture has been adapted for use in
a wider variety of Java-enabled devices. Three editions of JavX are now
available to best serve each of the different target platforms:
JavX SE - for desktop platforms that run the Java 2 Standard Edition (J2SE)
runtime environment. This includes Windows, Linux and UNIX X-Windows, and Apple
Mac OS X systems.
JavX AE - for mobile devices that run the Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME)
Constrained Device Context (CDC) Personal Profile. This includes mobile phones
and personal digital assistants (PDAs).
JavX LE - for task-specific devices that run the J2ME CDC Foundation Profile.
This includes a range of consumer products, automotive and other interactive
The release notes for each of these editions are provided in the sections below.
Full descriptions of the various PxPLUS thin-client and server options can be
found in the PxPLUS Client-Server Reference documentation.
JavX SE - JavX Swing Edition
Runtime Requirements
This version of JavX requires a minimum of Java 1.4.2 Runtime Environment (JRE).
Download the latest JRE at
Section 1 - New Functionality:
1.1 - Controlling the Icons used by Dialogues / Windows. (New) An application
can now control what Icon, if any, is used within the upper left corner of
the window.
Use an OPT="i" on the Dialogue / Window definition to create a window
that does not have an Icon in its upper left corner.
The 'OPTION'() mnemonic has been extended to support:
'OPTION'("ICON",ImageName$) - Sets the Icon for the current and
subsequent windows
'OPTION'("WDWICON",ImageName$) - Sets the Icon for the current window
ImageName$ - May be:
"" (Null) - To remove the icon from the current window
"*" (Asterisk) - To display the default icon for the window
filename or Image
specifcation - The name of a .ico file, or a full icon
specification (see the Enhanced Icon Usage
for details)
print 'dialogue'(1,1,80,25,"My Window",'cs',opt="i")
print 'option'("WDWICON","C:\Windows\System32\Shell32.dll@137%32")
print 'option'("WDWICON","")
print 'option'("WDWICON","*")
The FIN() function has been extended with new keywords to retrieve the
current settings:
X$ = FIN(0,"WDWICON") - Current Window Icon ImageName
X$ = FIN(0,"ICON") - Current Default Window Icon ImageName
1.2 - Rounded Rectangles. A new optional argument has been added to the
'RECTANGLE'() that allows for radiuses on the corners. This new argument
is the radius of the circle as expressed in graphical co-ordinates. The new
format is:
'RECTANGLE'(x, y, x1, y1, radius)
The radius parameter is optional and, if omitted, a normal rectangle is
drawn. The radius parameter is assumed to be positive (negative values
will have their sign flipped). If the radius exceeds half of the height
(or width) the system will assume a semi-circle is used to round the edge.
1.3 - Support for Mnemonic '4D'. Switches JavX to an XP "themed" Look and Feel.
To Activate: PRINT '4D',
To De-Activate: PRINT '2D',
This new '4D' mnemonic for XP look-and-feel, works hand-in-hand with
the new 'OPTION'() mnemonic and FIN() enhancements described earlier in
this readme. As well, there is a "Theme" object in the Utilities
section of this document that allows for the setting of the various
theme colours to closely match MS Windows XP theme's.
In JavX, the '4D' mnemonic should be used in conjunction with the
Windows look-and-feel; e.g., on Windows XP,
PRINT '4D', OPTION("LookAndFeel","os default")
The GUI controls will only have an XP lookandfeel if the OS is Windows XP.
1.4 - Grid Changes. (New and enhanced)
1.4.1 - Added support for the following GRID properties:
1.4.2 - Added a flag for ignoring and not reporting non-essential GRID
errors; e.g., PRINT 'OPTION'("REPORTGRIDERRORS","FALSE") causes the
GRID to not report an error when setting unsupported GRID attributes.
The following GRID attributes are not supported in JavX:
1.5 - Added support for ICONs on MENU_BAR and POPUP_MENU menu items.
1.6 - Standard LIST_BOXes now support Load-on-Demand. Listview LIST_BOXES
do not currently support Load-on-Demand.
1.7 - STATUSBAR now uses the current Java Swing Lookandfeel foreground color.
For example, if the current lookandfeel is Windows, RGB: 224, 223, 227 is
used. If the current lookandfeel is metal, RGB: 204, 204, 204 is used, etc.
1.8 - Improved support for HTML MULTI_LINES. The dynamic property TEXT$ can now
be used to set HTML; e.g., x'text$="<BODY><H1>HELLO World</H1></BODY>")
1.9 - Added the following to the Java PxPLUS COM interface:
1.9.1 - Support for the 'COUNT property. Every array object's length
attribute can now be accessed through the COUNT property.
1.9.2 - It is now possible to load a class and then instantiate it; i.e.,
A class without a public no argument constructor can now be
instantiated by loading the class and then calling the appropriate
constructor to create an instance of the class.
1.10 - Extended the FIN directive so it is now possible to get the Java
UIManagers UIDefaults; e.g., FIN(0, "GETJAVA_UIDEFAULTS").
1.11 - Treeview LIST_BOX. Added support for all six possible icons:
1. Default overall bitmap or icon: always used with any listed entries that
do not have subordinates.
2. Default bitmap or icon for items with subordinates.
3. Default bitmap or icon for items with subordinates if the tree level is
expanded (i.e.,shown) in Treeview.
4. Bitmap or icon for entries that do not have any subordinates when the
item is selected.
5. Bitmap or icon for entries that have subordinates when selected.
6. Bitmap or icon for entries that have subordinates when selected and
level is expanded.
1.12 - Added support for the following Treeview properties:
'Edit - automatic editing of item text.
'ItemState - Numeric value indicating the state of an item.
'StateBitmaps$ - List of images to use to display states.
'ItemText$ - Applications can now alter the contents of this
property to logically move tree structures.
'Children - This read-only property returns the number of direct
descendant children for the current 'Item.
'Sort - This property controls sorting for Treeviews
'Expanded - This control allows you to expand/collapse an item
and all sub-ordinates.
1.11 - Updated the GUI of the Web Page Configuration program JavXpagegen.pvs
Refer to the PageGenTutorial for detailed instructions on how to
launch and use the page generator utility.
Section 2 - Resolved Issues:
2.1 - Resolved an issue with LIST_BOX LOAD and large packets.
2.2 - Corrected a problem where an HTML multi-line would not be created if a NUL
string was not a valid URL.
2.3 - The following grid issues have been addressed:
2.3.1 - Order of selected cells now sorted correctly.
2.3.2 - GRID LOADLIST now working correctly.
2.3.3 - Corrected errors in Keyboard navigation.
2.3.4 - Previously with large-width grids, the header could be smaller than
the width of the grid.
2.4 - Addressed the following issues related to the Java COM interface:
2.4.1 - Numerous changes made to address converting numeric data to the
correct Java numeric type if a PvxVariant is not used. Previously if a
PvxVariant was not used, all numeric data was converted to an Int. Now
the data is converted to a number object and then the number object is
converted to the appropriate numeric type for the targeted method.
2.4.2 - Added a work-around for a Java reflection bug that was not allowing
calls to public methods of inner classes. For example, the Enumeration
methods (i.e., hasMoreElements()) were not working prior to this
2.4.4 - Added support for escaped characters within a string; e.g., \"
2.4.5 - An END will now cause all OCX handles to be dropped.
2.5 - Resolved an array-index-out-of-bounds exception error caused by the
'FONT' mnemonic having a value of "".
2.6 - Corrected a problem where pressing the Enter key on a MULTI_LINE greater
than 1 row high did not set the EOM to $0D$.
2.7 - When an invisible window is made active (via 'POP', 'GOTO', etc) JavX now
makes the window visible.
2.8 - Resolved a problem where the ENTER key caused JavX to ring the system
bell in a MULTI_LINE with maximum characters entered.
2.9 - Addressed an issues where a DROP_BOX control with a TBL string specified
would select the first item in the drop list when the DROP_BOX WRITE
directive passed "";e.g., prior to this release the following would cause
the first item in the DROP_BOX to be selected : DROP_BOX WRITE 10, "
2.10 - Corrected a problem where a CLIP_BOARD WRITE that specified $0AOD$ would
add extra new line characters to the text.
2.11 - LIST_BOX WRITE will now scroll the LIST_BOX so that the selected item is
visible in the LIST_BOX.
2.12 - Addressed issues with 'OPTION' ("WDWICON",string$):
1. PRINT 'OPTION' ("WDWICON","") Sets the window icon to the default Java
icon (Java coffee cup icon). Previously this set the window icon to the
default PxPLUS icon.
2. PRINT 'OPTION' ("WDWICON"," ") Sets the window icon to the null so the
image will appear in the icon area of the window.
3. PRINT 'OPTION' ("WDWICON","*") Sets the window icon to the default
PxPLUS icon.
4. An invalid icon is ignored. Previously this had the same effect as
2.13 - Corrected a problem with LIST_BOX that caused list boxes with the
"Suppress Buttons" attribute specified on creation to be initially
2.14 - Entering a menu_bar command with an invalid string caused JavX SE/AE to
hang. This now results in an Error #87 (Invalid menu_bar definition).
JavX AE - JavX AWT Edition
Runtime Requirements
This version of JavX requires a minimum of the Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME),
Connected Device Configuration (CDC) Personal Profile JRE.
JavX AE functionality is upwardly-compatible with JavX SE. This version of JavX
supports the following PxPLUS features:
1 - Character UI (fonts, lines and shapes, colors, pictures, etc.)
2 - All Mnemonics ('DIALOGUE', 'WINDOW', 'POP', 'SWAP', etc)
3 - System functions and variables (MSE, OBJ, FIN, etc.).
4 - The PxPLUS "OCX" interface to Java
5 - Local serial file access
6 - The following GUI components are supported:
6.1 - Buttons: BUTTON, RADIO, CHECK_BOX (Images not supported on Buttons)
6.2 - Text Components: LIST_BOX, MULTI_LINES, DROP_BOX
6.3 - Vertical and Horizontal Scroll Bars
6.4 - Message Box
6.6 - Tool bar
6.7 - PxPLUS menu bar menus (not popup menus)
JavX LE - JavX Light Edition
Runtime Requirements
This version of JavX requires a minimum of the Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME),
Connected Device Configuration (CDC) Foundation Profile JRE.
*** NOTE: Unlike other JavX editions, the JavX Light Edition is designed for a
wide variety of fixed-purpose/embedded devices which may or may not have a
standardized method for installing software. Because of this, the JavX LE
installation JAR archive file is currently not available for direct download.
Developers who are interested in running JavX for a specific device
implementation are welcome to contact Sage Software Canada Ltd. to request a
copy of JavX LE.
JavX LE functionality is upwardly-compatible with JavX AE and SE. This version
of JavX supports the following PxPLUS features:
1 - System functions and variables (MSE, OBJ, FIN, etc).
2 - The PxPLUS "OCX" interface to Java.
3 - Local serial file access.