How to setup
JavX on a PDA
You will need a J2ME Personal Profile Java Runtime Environment on your PDA in
order to start JavX. If you already have such a JAVA version installed, you can
skip the downloading and installing of the IBM WebSphere Java as explained
To install IBM WebSphere Java on your PDA, you must download that Java
version from
this site and store it on your DESKTOP PC.
(Click on 'Download Trial').
Then connect your PDA to your desktop PC and start the Microsoft ActiveSync
application. Install the IBM Java you just downloaded on both your desktop and
I assume you know that the PDA must be a wireless client. If not, you can
stop right now.
Okay, you'll need the Direxions 2005 CD. Put that CD in your desktop PC and
install both 'PxPLUS v7 for Windows' and 'JavX v2.5 Developers Kit' on your
desktop PC. Make sure you still have an ActiveSync connection between the PDA
and the desktop PC. Start PxPLUS V7 and go to the directory (CWDIR) where you
installed the 'JavX v2.5 Developers Kit'. Underneath that directory, there
should be a 'JavXPDAWiz' directory. Use CWDIR to switch to that directory. Then
enter RUN "JAVX.PGN".
A graphical window should appear in which you must enter the IP address of
the nthost or application server. Also enter the socket number that nthost/appser
is using and select if your server is running nthost or the application server.
Then click NEXT.
In the next window, it will say that JavX will be installed in the \JAVX
directory and that the program will create a shortcut in the PROGRAMS group of
your PDA. You need to click INSTALL here. If you get a 'NOT ON CRADLE' error
message, select 'Device Information' from the menu, close that window and try
INSTALL again.
JavX will now be copied onto the PDA and a JavXAE shortcut will be created in
your PDA Programs group. The next window will display some registry settings,
you need to click INSTALL here as well. Then click EXIT to leave the installer.
You can now disconnect the PDA (close ActiveSync). Click Start/Programs (on
your PDA). There should be a JavXAE icon. Click that and JavX will try to
connect through the wireless TCP connection to your nthost/appser server.
Now, in case you are NOT using an English/US Windows OS on the PDA, or in
case your are NOT using the IBM WebSphere Java, you need to execute the
following step to fix a path problem in the JavXAE link that was created on the
Connect the PDA to your Desktop and start ActiveSync. Use Explorer to browse
the PDA and go to the \windows\start menu\programs directory (or whatever it is
called in a On-US Windows Mobile OS) . Copy the JavXAE link into a directory on
your Desktop PC and open it there with NOTEPAD (start Notepad and use the
File/Open menu item to open it). It will probably look something like this:
109#"\Program Files\J9\PPRO10\bin\j9.exe" "-classpath" "\JavX\JavXAE.jar"
"-jcl:ppro10" "localNetworkClientTest" "server=; port=20000;
Now change the \Program Files\ path to the correct path where IBM J9 is
installed. Save the changes, and drag the link file back into the PDA
\windows\start menu\programs directory. Disconnect the PDA and try to start the
JavXAE link.